Group Trade Union Held the Third Fourth Member Congress
Release date:2022-07-22

the trade union of the group held the third and fourth member congress in the conference room of the headquarters. The meeting was presided over by Qin Guoxi, chairman of the trade union of the group. Members of the trade union committee, members of the economic review committee, representatives of the group headquarters and members of various funded enterprises in Beijing attended the meeting.

First of all, according to the work deployment of the group party committee and the needs of the trade union work, and reported to the group party committee for approval, in accordance with the "Trade Union Law" and the "Chinese Trade Union Constitution", the vacant trade union committee members, members of the Economic Review Committee, and members of the Women Workers Committee will be elected. The General Assembly adopted the form of fixed elections and a show of hands, unanimously approved the list of candidates, and the by-election was equipped with members of the "three committees.

the second item of the conference, the collective discussion and unanimous approval of the "China Business Foreign Trade Co., Ltd. Strive for Excellence Selection Measures", "China Business Foreign Trade Co., Ltd. Attendance and Vacation Management Measures", "China Business Foreign Trade Co., Ltd. Employee Growth Fund", "Vehicle Use Management Measures", etc.

conference, the study discussed the "conference room cost-sharing calculation method" at the group headquarters.

this conference, all representatives actively participated, earnestly performed their duties as representatives, worked hard to safeguard the democratic rights of members and friends, took the initiative to provide suggestions for the development of the company, and gave full play to the "bridge" and "link" role of the trade union.

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