CCFT Group Lgeal and Risk Control Department organized Contract Terms Learning.
Release date:2023-07-14

            On July 11th, 2023, In order to strengthen the level of contract management, cultivate compliance risk control awareness.Legal and Risk Control Department of CCFT organized all middle management and marketing staff of Jingjin Sugar Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Jingjin Sugar") to conduct contract terms training.The person in charge of Legal and Risk Control Department  Pengtao Li and Secretary of the Board Lei Tian were in the chair this meeting.


    Since the approval process OA system of Jingjin Sugar was launched, the Legal and Risk Control Department collected and summarized all individual and common problems in the contract process, also displayed them in the form of a list. Pengtao Li jointly analyze the causes of the problems with the applicants, examiners and approvers involved in the OA system contract review at each node. Based on the content of "Key Points of the Jingjin Sugar OA System Contract review and Approval",finding out solutions, avoiding basic errors, improving the efficiency of contract review flow, and clarifying how each reviewer and approver implements the review and approval work within their respective powers and responsibilities and strengthening the awareness of contract risk. 

      By finding and solving the problems in the contract review, we can understand operational risk management and requirements of professional reviewers for contract terms and standards. This meeting let evryone to understand how to improve ability in contract negotiation and drafting, and also review and approve contracts with compliance risk control requirements. Consciously unify the compliance awareness and actions to the requirements for the purpose of risk prevention and control. Focusing on the core tasks of enterprise management, Learing knowledge as input and drafting a contract as output.Enhance the ability to combine learning and application, and help enterprises solve basic problems

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