Do a good job of cleaning the environment to meet the National Day
Release date:2016-12-29

To greet the arrival of the National Day and create a good office environment, the company on September 29 organized a cleaning activity in accordance with the relevant requirements in "On the conduct of health inspection and appraisal activities” of the Group.

Company staffs of each department acted positively by taking advantage of leisure time during their work to carefully clean the office area, wipe office equipment, and thoroughly eliminate each corner. Through everyone´s effort, the bright and comfortable, clean and tidy office environment immediately presented before their eyes. Seeing their own fruits of labor, the contented smiles were hanging on everyone´s face.

Not only the clean-up activity made the company office environment a new look to greet the arrival of the National Day cleanly, but also through the unity and cooperation among employees, the staffs’ sense of teamwork and the cohesion and execution of enterprise were further enhanced.

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